Saturday, December 26, 2015




1. 每天朗读中文第六册第六课课文一遍。
2. 完成练习册B第六课课后练习:
M 4
TU 5
W 4/6
TH 5/6
F 4/5

Weekly News

Although we do not have Chinese Class this week, to prepare for the quarterly test and Midterm Exam, please finish following homework for the week.

1. Read aloud Chinese Book 6 Lesson 6 once every day
2. Please finish following assignment on Book B Lesson 6
M 4
TU 5
W 4/6
TH 5/6
F 4/5

Monday, December 21, 2015





M 1/2/5/6
TU 1/2/3/7
W 1/2/5/7
TH 1/2/3
F 1/2

其中写生字部分(周一至周四的第一项),请用拼音米字格纸写。每个字都需要标注拼音。请从这里打印拼音米字格纸。同时所有读课文部分(W 5/7,TU 7,M 5/6),需要读给家长并签名。



1/17/2016Quarterly Exam
1/24/2016Mid Term Exam


Weekly News

This week we studied Chinese Book 6 Lesson 6 <Two Parables> . Because of Christmas play practice, we did not get enough time to finish our class. Please read Lesson 6 at home and practice.

This Week's Homework

M 1/2/5/6
TU 1/2/3/7
W 1/2/5/7
TH 1/2/3
F 1/2

Please write Item No.1 from Monday to Thursday on printed PinYin paper. You can print blank PinYin paper here. Please read text to your parents in Lesson 6 for item: M 5/6, TU 7, W 5/7, and let your parent sign for them.

For those who have not submit essay yet, please do so before 12/24 Christmas eve, so you can be graded.

We will have our Quarterly exam and Mid Term Exam in January. please star prepare for them

1/17/2016Quarterly Exam
1/24/2016Mid Term Exam

Finally, there is no Chinese Class for the next two Sundays, Merry Christmas to you all and see you in New Year!

Monday, December 14, 2015



         今天我们继续学习了 《中文》第六册第五课 《巨人的花园》, 同时我们也练习了中文学校的圣诞节目。请同学在家中练习诗歌朗诵《永恒的爱》, 以及诗歌演唱《马槽歌》。




1.  《中文》第六册第五课 《巨人的花园》的所有生字生词


1. 请将随堂小测验错误的字词每天抄写三遍
2. 完成第五课剩余的课后练习(A Book): 星期一至星期五

Weekly News

Today we learned Chinese Book 6 Lesson 5 <The Giant's Garden>, we also practiced our Chinese School Christmas play in class. Please continue practice them at home: Poem Reading and Song Singing.

All of our students will continue their one week chores challenge. Here are the list:
Joanna: dry dishes
Ruth: pick up mail
Frankie: pick up mail
Vickie: clean the table
Joshua: cook rice

Next Week Quiz:
1. We will quiz ALL words and expressions from Chinese Book 6 Lesson 5 <The Giant's Garden>

Homework for the week:

1. Please correct errors in quiz and write them three times each day.
2. Please finish Chinese Book 6 Lesson 5 on A book: Monday through Friday

Monday, December 7, 2015



         今天我们学习了 《中文》第六册第五课 《巨人的花园》,我们都学习了不自私,要善良对待每个人。同学们都接受了为期一周的家务挑战,给父母献上更多的爱!

        同时我们也在课堂中练习了中文学校的圣诞节目。请同学在家中练习诗歌朗诵《永恒的爱》, 以及诗歌演唱《马槽歌》。请家长帮助在家中练习。同时请同学下周将整合中文第一册《仁》带来,我们将会继续学习。


1.  《中文》第六册第五课 《巨人的花园》的下列生字生词


1. 请将随堂小测验错误的字词每天抄写三遍
2. 完成第五课课后练习(A Book): M 1/2/4/6, TU 1/2/4/7, W 1/3/4/7, TH1/2/3/7, F 1/2/3/4
3. 每位同学都需要参加 第十七届世界华人学生作文大赛征文 内容详见征文启事。字数在300到600字之间。请家长将孩子作业电子邮件给老师。

Weekly News

Today we learned Chinese Book 6 Lesson 5 <The Giant's Garden> . We learned not to be selfish and be nice to everyone. All of our students therefore take a one week challenge to show their love of parents. Here are the list:
Joanna: dry dishes
Ruth: pick up mail
Frankie: pick up mail
Vickie: clean the table
Joshua: cook rice

We also practiced our Chinese School Christmas play in class. Please continue practice them at home: Poem Reading and Song Singing.

Next Week Quiz:
1. We will quiz following words and expressions from
Chinese Book 6 Lesson 5 <The Giant's Garden>

Homework for the week:

1. Please correct errors in quiz and write them three times each day.
2. Please finish Chinese Book 6 Lesson 5 on A book: M 1/2/4/6, TU 1/2/4/7, W 1/3/4/7, TH1/2/3/7, F 1/2/3/4
3. Please submit your essay (300 to 600 characters) by email it to teacher.