Monday, December 21, 2015





M 1/2/5/6
TU 1/2/3/7
W 1/2/5/7
TH 1/2/3
F 1/2

其中写生字部分(周一至周四的第一项),请用拼音米字格纸写。每个字都需要标注拼音。请从这里打印拼音米字格纸。同时所有读课文部分(W 5/7,TU 7,M 5/6),需要读给家长并签名。



1/17/2016Quarterly Exam
1/24/2016Mid Term Exam


Weekly News

This week we studied Chinese Book 6 Lesson 6 <Two Parables> . Because of Christmas play practice, we did not get enough time to finish our class. Please read Lesson 6 at home and practice.

This Week's Homework

M 1/2/5/6
TU 1/2/3/7
W 1/2/5/7
TH 1/2/3
F 1/2

Please write Item No.1 from Monday to Thursday on printed PinYin paper. You can print blank PinYin paper here. Please read text to your parents in Lesson 6 for item: M 5/6, TU 7, W 5/7, and let your parent sign for them.

For those who have not submit essay yet, please do so before 12/24 Christmas eve, so you can be graded.

We will have our Quarterly exam and Mid Term Exam in January. please star prepare for them

1/17/2016Quarterly Exam
1/24/2016Mid Term Exam

Finally, there is no Chinese Class for the next two Sundays, Merry Christmas to you all and see you in New Year!