Monday, September 28, 2015




  1. 完成练习册A第一课         
       M:  2
       Tu:  4, 5
       Th:  4
 2. 请将随堂测验错误的字词在练习本上每个每天抄写三遍(周一至周五)

 3. 请完成《整全中文学前班第十一课》
4. 请完成《中文第六册第一课》的网上练习:
任选四项。 如果你忘记了自己的登录信息,请点击这里



Weekly News

I am very glad to see most of you got good grades in quiz today! And some of you are very close to get Homework Pass or Quiz Pass! Keep up the good work!

Homework for this week: 
1. Exercise Book A Lesson 1
M:  2
     Tu:  4, 5
     Th:  4

2. Please correct wrong answers in Quiz, and copy each of them three times every day, Monday through Friday. 

3. Please finish Holistic Chinese -- the handouts
4. Please finish four out of six items in Quizlet for Chinese Book 6 Lesson 1 online:
If you forgot your username and password, please click here.

Next week quiz: 14 new words and phrases

Finally, please check "学期安排与成绩" tab on top of this blog frequently for Homework assignments and scores.

Monday, September 21, 2015




  1. 完成练习册A第一课          
       M: 4/5
       Tu: 3/6
       W: 2/4
       Th: 2/3/5
        F: 2/5/6
   2. 请将随堂测验错误的字词在练习本上每个每天抄写三遍(周一至周五)



Weekly News

Today we learned Lesson one :In the Park

Homework for this week:  
1. Exercise Book A Lesson 1
       M: 4/5
       Tu: 3/6
       W: 2/4
       Th: 2/3/5
        F: 2/5/6 
2. Please correct wrong answers in Quiz, and copy each of them three times every day, Monday through Friday.  

Next week quiz: 14 new words and phrases

Finally, please check "学期安排与成绩" tab on top of this blog frequently for Homework assignments and scores.

Monday, September 14, 2015



新学期终于开始了,很高兴再见到同学们。 我期待通过我们大家的共同努力,能够在中文学习上有所收获!



       M/Tu/W/F: 1, 7 Th: 1,6

       2 个词语 


Weekly News

The new semester has finally started, I am glad to see you all! I look forward to a successful year through our efforts together!

This semester,
we will make following improvements according to the recommendations and feedback

1. Change from one lesson every two weeks to three weeks to learn a lesson.

2. Add winter break and spring break in our class schedule.

3. Implement points system:  for every 10 points you earned, you can choose either a Homework Pass or a Quiz Pass.

Homework for this week:  M/Tu/W/F: 1, 7 Th: 1,6 
           Parents/older siblings please sign after Read Aloud

Next week quiz: 7 out of 14 new words, 2 phrases

Finally, please check "学期安排与成绩" tab on top of this blog frequently for Homework assignments and scores.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to a new semester!

Hello, Friends, 

A new semester is about to begin. I am very pleased to see you, all my students, during this summer vacation, I am sure so far you've had a very wonderful summer and can not wait for school starts!

Before our new Chinese class begins, I hope that the students and their parents to do some preparatory work. 
1, Please update with me your email address.
2, This semester we will continue to use this Blog for weekly newsletter reports, homework, and so on. 
3, The curriculum and grades can be seen from the "学历和成绩" tab on top of this page. 
4, We will continue to use part of the online Quizlet for some homework assignment and games. We will continue use "holistic Chinese" as a supplement teaching material. 
5, Something new for his semester: from time to time, I will ask students write a short essay, 5 to 10 sentences, then present in class. 
6, We will use following grade system: semester final grade is determined by the quizzes (20%) and quarterly examinations (20% per quarter) , a total of 100 points. 

Last but not least, learning Chinese requires parents and students work together. If there is no parental involvement, support, and encouragement, our children will definitely show no interested in learning Chinese. I hope through our prayer and hard work, our children will continue grow in Chinese!