Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to a new semester!

Hello, Friends, 

A new semester is about to begin. I am very pleased to see you, all my students, during this summer vacation, I am sure so far you've had a very wonderful summer and can not wait for school starts!

Before our new Chinese class begins, I hope that the students and their parents to do some preparatory work. 
1, Please update with me your email address.
2, This semester we will continue to use this Blog for weekly newsletter reports, homework, and so on. 
3, The curriculum and grades can be seen from the "学历和成绩" tab on top of this page. 
4, We will continue to use part of the online Quizlet for some homework assignment and games. We will continue use "holistic Chinese" as a supplement teaching material. 
5, Something new for his semester: from time to time, I will ask students write a short essay, 5 to 10 sentences, then present in class. 
6, We will use following grade system: semester final grade is determined by the quizzes (20%) and quarterly examinations (20% per quarter) , a total of 100 points. 

Last but not least, learning Chinese requires parents and students work together. If there is no parental involvement, support, and encouragement, our children will definitely show no interested in learning Chinese. I hope through our prayer and hard work, our children will continue grow in Chinese!