Monday, March 28, 2016






  1. 总练习三
  2. 完成Quizlet中文第六册第七至第九课 (选择四项)
  3. 请补齐上周未完成的作业,本周应该完成中文第六册第九课的周一至周五的所有作业。
  4. 背诵并默写古诗二首。


  • 4/3/2016:中文第六册第三单元考试;整全第一册第三课
  • 4/10/2016: 中文 第六册第十课

Weekly News

Today we distributed Chinese Book 7, please remember to bring $10 next week.

This week we continue learned Chinese Book 6 Lesson 9 < Two Ancient Poems>  by Li, Bai from Tang Dynasty.

Homework for this week

  1. Finish Chinese Book 6 Review 3
  2. Finish online Quizlet Book 6 Lesson 7 to Lesson 9 (Choose four items)
  3. Please make up your last week's homework, you should finish Chinese Book 6A Lesson 9 ALL Monday through Friday.
  4. Memorize and write down <Two Ancient Poems>

Class schedule for the next two weeks

  • 4/3/2016: Chinese Book 6 Quarterly Exam: Lesson 7 to Lesson 9; Holistic Book 1 Lesson 3
  • 4/10/2016: Chinese Book 6 Lesson 10