Monday, September 19, 2016



       本周我们学习了中文第七册第五课《东郭先生和狼》 。班上同学出色地朗诵了狼、老人、猎人、和解说人,给课堂增添了许多乐趣。


       中文学习离不开家长的关心、鼓励和支持。 尤其是初中阶段活动作业增多的情况下,请家长们随时督促学生按时完成作业,并尽量检查作业的对错。有朗读课文的作业请学生朗读后由家长签名。我们要求每位学生在周中需要朗诵三遍课文和阅读材料。
        每个学生需要一个Marble notebook用来随堂测验以及朗读作业的家长签名。学生可以继续使用上学期没有用完的本子。从下节课开始,我们也会需要Index Card and Box.

课(Book  A)作业
M     1/6//7
TU   1/3/4
W    1/2/3/7
TH   1/2/4
F     3/4/6


1. 中文第七册第课生字测验
2. 中文第七册第
3. 整全中文第一册 7

1. 中文第七册第生字、词语测验
2. 中文第七册第六
3. 整全中文第一册 8

Weekly News

This week we learned Chinese Book 7 Lesson 5. Students acted out as the Wolf, Mr. Dongguo, the Hunter, and the Old man. We all had fun in our class.
  Remind: we will have a quiz on Lesson 5 Words next class.
Parents: With full swing of a new semester, most of our students involves in a lot of activities and more homework from school. Your encouragement and support are very crucial to our Chinese class. Please follow up with student on their Chinese homework, check it, and sign wherever "Read aloud" is requested. We asked each student read aloud text 3 times per week.
Students: Please continue use your Marble notebook for our quizzes and parent signatures for "Read aloud" part. If you do not have a notebook, please bring a new one. Starting from next class, we will need Index Card and Box.
You can check our class schedule, student grade, online classroom, and online quizlet at any time by click the tablet on top our website.

Homework for this week

Finish Chinese Book 7A Lesson 5:

M     1/6//7
TU   1/3/4
W    1/2/3/7
TH   1/2/4
F     3/4/6
2. Read aloud Chinese Book 7 Lesson 5 and handout three times this week. Parents please sign!
Class schedule for the next two weeks

1.  Chinese Book 7 Lesson 5 QUIZ
2.Chinese Book 7 Lesson 5
3. Holistic Chinese Book 1 Lesson 7
1.  Chinese Book 7 Lesson 5 QUIZ
2. Chinese Book 7 Lesson 6
3. Holistic Chinese Book 1 Lesson 8
Enjoy your week!