Monday, March 30, 2015







1. 请完成中文第五册第九课练习册A
星期一: 2
星期二: 4,6
星期三: 5,7
星期四: 3,4,7
星期五: 5,7

2. 请吴伟杰同学准备讲一讲:太阳

Weekly News

  Today we learned Chinese Book 5 Lesson 9.

        Next Week, April 5th, we will continue learning Book 5, Lesson 9. There is no Chinese class on April 11th for us. Please also prepare Quarterly exam on April 19th: Lesson 7 to Lesson 9. 

        As a reminder: you can click the Tabs on top of this page to check CCCGA Chinese School updates, our class Schedules and test scores (including quizlet login), Holistic Education online materials, as well as Quizlet.

       Finally, let us continue pray for Ruth Zhang and her family.  Please pray that she will recover soon and God give her comfort during this tough time. 

Homework this week:
1. Book 5 Exercise  A Lesson 9
Monday: 2
Tuesday: 4,6
Wednesday: 5,7
Thursday: 3,4,7
Friday: 5,7
2. Joshua please prepare weekly talk: Sun