Monday, April 6, 2015







1. 姒玉明中文 学前班 第八、九课网上练习:

2. 中文第五册第九课网上练习:

3. 完成中文第五册综合练习三 (80~83页)

4. 复习中文第五册第七至第九课,准备四月十九日的测验

5. 吴伟杰和刘峰琦同学准备讲一讲:复述嫦娥奔月的故事

Weekly News

  Today we learned JiNan Chinese Book 5 Lesson 9,reviewed Lesson 7 to Lesson 9. We also learned Holistic Chinese Book K lesson 9 and 10.

       There is no Chinese class on April 12th for us. Please also prepare Quarterly exam on April 19th:  Chinese Book 5 Lesson 7 to Lesson 9.

       Finally, let us continue pray for Ruth Zhang and her family.  Please pray that she will recover soon and God give her comfort during this tough time.

Homework this week: Online practice, as always, choose 4 out of 6.

1. Holistic Chinese online Book K Lesson 8 and Lesson 9:

2. Chinese Book 5 Lesson 9:

3. Finish Chinese Book 5 Review 3 (page 80-83)

4. Prepare April 19th 3rd Quarter Exam: Chinese Book 5 Lesson 7 to Lesson 9.

5. Joshua and Frankie prepare weekly talk: Chang'e Flew to the Moon