Monday, May 11, 2015





1. 请完成中文第五册第十一课练习册A星期一和星期二的全部作业

2. 请张维恩同学准备讲一讲:小于连的故事

3. 别忘了对你的妈妈说:母亲节快乐!

Weekly News

  Today we learned Chinese Book 5 Lesson 11.

        As a reminder: you can click the Tabs on top of this page to check CCCGA Chinese School updates, our class Schedules and test scores (including quizlet login), Holistic Education online materials, as well as Quizlet.

Homework this week:

1. Book 5 Exercise  A Lesson 11 Monday and Tuesday.

2. Ruth please prepare weekly talk: Little Julian
    Frankie please prepare weekly talk: The Old Man of Princeton

3. Please remember to say this to your mom: 3MU 1QIN 2JIE 4KUAI 4LE!