Monday, May 18, 2015



        这个学期很快就要结束了,希望同学们继续加油努力,顺利完成最后两个星期的学习。 今天我们进行了中文第五册第十一课的学习。

       如果想重新测验第五册第十课的同学请从电邮的附件打印,在家里测验, 然后下次上课带给老师。 
1. 完成第五册第十一课练习册A
星期三: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
星期四: 1, 2, 4, 7
星期五: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
2. 吴伟杰同学准备讲一讲:牛顿请客的故事 

5/24 和 5/31作业:
1.  中文第五册第十至十二课的Quizlet内容已经在网页中更新,请同学们每课任选四项完成。
2.   每天按顺序朗读中文第五册第十至十二课的一篇课文

提醒大家:5/24 和 5/31 没有中文课。6/7日恢复上课,同时将进行中文第五册第十一课的小测验。

Weekly News,

This semester almost done, please keep up your good work and let's try our best to accomplish this semester successfully! Today, we've learned Chinese Book 5 Lesson 11 and part of Lesson 12. 

If you want to retake last exam, please print out the attachment from email, and take it at home then bring it to me next time.

Homework for this week
1. Please finish Chinese Book 5 Lesson 11 Exercise Book A
Wed: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Thu: 1, 2, 4, 7
Fri: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
2. Weekly talk: Joshua please prepare "Newton Feasted the Guest"

Homework for 5/24 and 5/31
1. Online Quizlet: Please choose any four out of six items from each lesson of Chinese Book 5 Lesson 10 through Lesson 12
2. Please read out loud Chinese Book 5 Lesson 10 through 12, one lesson everyday according to the order.

Reminder: We will not have Chinese Class on 5/24 and 5/31. Class will resume on 6/7, and we WILL have a test on Chinese Book 5 Lesson 11 on 6/7.

Until then, Have a Blessed Break!