Tuesday, May 26, 2015



5/24 和 5/31作业:

1.  中文第五册第十至十二课的Quizlet内容已经在网页中更新,请同学们每课任选四项完成。 https://quizlet.com/class/1301667/

2.   每天按顺序朗读中文第五册第十至十二课的一篇课文


Homework for 5/24 and 5/31

1. Online Quizlet: Please choose any four out of six items from each lesson of Chinese Book 5 Lesson 10 through Lesson 12
2. Please read out loud Chinese Book 5 Lesson 10 through 12, one lesson everyday according to the order.

Reminder: We will not have Chinese Class on 5/31. Class will resume on 6/7, and we WILL have a test on Chinese Book 5 Lesson 11 on 6/7.

Until then, Have a Blessed Break!