Monday, October 19, 2015



        今天我们学习了《中文》第六册第三课《海洋世界》。 下次上课有全部生字词的小测验,希望同学们努力准备!

       请家长帮助同学在家中继续练习准备圣诞节的表演节目。其中第一项为诗歌朗诵《永恒的爱》, 第二项为诗歌演唱《马槽歌》。请家长帮助点击链接,在家中练习。


1. 完成练习册A第三课       

M: 1/2/6,

TU: 1/3/4,
W: 1/3/5,
TH: 1/2/5/6,
F: 1/2/3
2. 请将随堂测验错误的字词在练习本上每个每天抄写三遍(周一至周五)

Weekly News

Today we learned Chinese Book 6 Lesson 3: The Ocean World. This coming Sunday, we will have our quiz on all new characters and phrases of Lesson 3!

We will start to prepare our Chinese School Christmas play. We will do two performance, Poem Reading and Song Singing. Parents please help your students click the link and start practice at home.

Homework for the week

1. Finish Exercise Book A Lesson 3

M: 1/2/6,

TU: 1/3/4,
W: 1/3/5,
TH: 1/2/5/6,
F: 1/2/3
2. Please correct wrong answers in quiz, and copy each of them three times every day, Monday through Friday.