Monday, October 5, 2015

圣诞节表演节目 - 诗歌演唱 《马槽歌》

圣诞节表演节目 - 诗歌演唱 《马槽歌》


We will sing "Away In a Manger", please practice at home using this youtube link

Below are the lyrics

 远远在马槽里 无枕也无床,
Away in a manger, No crib for His bed

小小的主耶稣 睡觉很安康
The little Lord Jesus, Laid down His sweet head

众明星都望着 主睡的地方,
The stars in the bright sky, Looked down where He lay

 小小的主耶稣 睡在干草上
The little Lord Jesus, Asleep on the hay

众牲畜呜呜叫 圣婴忽惊醒,
The cattle are lowing, The poor Baby wakes

小小的主耶稣 却无啼哭声
But little Lord Jesus, No crying He makes

我真爱小耶稣 敬求近我身,
I love Thee, Lord Jesus Look down from the sky

靠近我小床边 守我到天明
And stay by my side,'Til morning is nigh.

恭敬求主耶稣 靠近我身旁,
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay

爱护我 接受我 做主的小羊
Close by me forever, And love me I pray

也保护众孩童 一齐都安康,
Bless all the dear children, In Thy tender care

教我们都能够 跟主到天堂
And take us to heaven To live with Thee there