Tuesday, November 24, 2015



              今天我们继续学习了 《中文》第六册第四课 《埋在地里的金子》,同时我们也在课堂中练习了中文学校的圣诞节目。请同学在家中练习诗歌朗诵《永恒的爱》, 以及诗歌演唱《马槽歌》。请家长帮助在家中练习。同时请同学下周将整合中文第一册《仁》带来,我们将会继续学习。


1.  《中文》第六册第四课 《埋在地里的金子》的下列生字生词


1. 请将要测验的生字生词每天抄写三遍
2. 完成第四课课后练习(B Book): M5/6,TU5/7,W3/6,TH5,F4
3.每位同学都需要参加 第十七届世界华人学生作文大赛征文 内容详见征文启事。不超过600字,请在12月6日之前上交。

Weekly News

Today we learned Chinese Book 6 Lesson 4 <The Buried Gold> . We also practiced our Chinese School Christmas play in class. Please continue practice them at home: Poem Reading and Song Singing.

Next Week Quiz:
1. We will quiz following words and expressions from
Chinese Book 6 Lesson 4 <The Buried Gold>

Homework for the week:

1. Please copy above words and expressions three times each day.
2. Please finish Chinese Book 6 Lesson 4 on B book: M5/6,TU5/7,W3/6,TH5,F4
3. Writing competition is coming, click for details: http://www.klzw.net/news_cont.asp?id=164
    Remember the due date is December 6th!