Monday, November 9, 2015



              今天我们进行了 《中文》第六册第一至第三课阶段测验。 同学们都付出了辛苦的努力。考试成绩请点击本页面上方的《学期安排与成绩》。

       请同学在家中练习诗歌朗诵《永恒的爱》头两段, 以及诗歌演唱《马槽歌》的头两段。请家长帮助在家中练习。同时请同学下周将整合中文第一册《仁》带来,我们将会学习。


1. 整合中文学前班十二课、整合中文第一册《仁》第一课的生字


1. 自学并完成整合中文第一册《仁》第一课以及书本或者网上课后练习(内容是一样的)。 链接:

2. 完成整合中文第一册《仁》 第一课Quizlet, 链接:。 请同学选择4项完成。
3. 上周未完成的同学请完成《中文》第六册第一至第三课 Quizlet, 链接:。 请同学每课选择4项完成。

4.每位同学都需要参加 第十七届世界华人学生作文大赛征文 内容详见征文启事。不超过600字,请在12月6日之前上交。

Weekly News

Today we took our very first quarterly exam on Chinese Book 6 Lesson 1 to Lesson 3. Every student worked very hard and tried their best! Good job every one! Please check <Schedule> tab for your exam score.

Please prepare our Chinese School Christmas play. We will do two performance, Poem Reading and Song Singing. Please practice first two paragraph of both Reading and Singing.  

Next Week Quiz:
1. Quiz on Holistic Kindergartener Lesson 12 and Holistic Book 1 Lesson 1 all new words

Homework for the week:

1. Study Holistic Chinese Book 1 Lesson1 and finish homework. If you choose to finish your homework online, here is the link:

This is the same homework as those printed on Book 1. If you choose to do online, please email your finished homework to both your parent and teacher ( If the above link ask login please click here.
2. Please finish online Quizlet for Holistic Chinese Book 1 Lesson 1 : Again, pick 4 out of 6 for each Lesson.
3. If you did not finish last week, please finish online Quizlet for Chinese Book 6 Lesson 1 -3 :  Pick 4 out of 6 for each Lesson.
4. Writing competition is coming, click for details:

    Remember the due date is December 6th!